Milk Boy

  I was enticed into this bar at 3pm on a Wednesday afternoon, not because I wanted a stiff drink or even coffee, but because it was such an aesthetically “perfect” bar. Milk Boy, for all intensive purposes, is a bar, and a good one at that. But they also serve some good coffee out…

La.Va Cafe

  La.Va is a quaint “corner coffee shop” hearkening back to older decades of coffee tradition. It was definitely beyond enjoyable aesthetically  it reminded me of my first shop in so many ways. Something about the atmosphere, coming off the street from the brick suburbs on a day with a hint of crisp fall in the air, that is…

Gia Pronto

Gia Pronto is a small Philly based chain that does an adequate job at differentiating itself from the local SB with a wide selection of edibles and coffee. Though this distinction is clear, GP is still very much a “second wave” chain-store, in terms of its approach and quality; in and out fast and the eternal B…